
Our current edition Aasgaard books are available for wholesale purchase in case quantities.:

  • Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 3rd ed
    (ISBN 978-0-9825227-3-8), 15 copies/case
  • Starting Strength: entrenamiento básico con halteras
    (ISBN 978-0-9825227-9-0), 20 copies/case
  • Practical Programming for Strength Training, 3rd ed
    (ISBN 978-0-9825227-5-2), 17 copies/case
  • Strong Enough? Thoughts from Thirty Years of Barbell Training
    (ISBN 978-0-9768054-4-1), 42 copies/case
    (ISBN 978-0-9768054-4-1), 21 copies/half case
  • Mean Ol' Mr. Gravity
    (ISBN 978-0-9825227-1-4), 13 copies/case
  • The Barbell Prescription: Strength Training for Life After 40
    (ISBN 978-0-9825227-7-6), 11 copies/case

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